Test automation tutorial with Selenium WebDriver part 2: Setup


Kirill Strelkov
2 min readMar 28, 2016

This tutorials will be based around easyselenium.

easyselenium is simple Selenium WebDiver wrapper written in Python.

Why? — It has GUI.

Tutorial will be done in Windows OS but all software can be use on MacOS and GNU/Linux as well.

Needed software:

  1. Install Python 2.7https://www.python.org/downloads/
  • NOTE: Select ‘Add python.exec to Path’ during installation process
  1. Install piphttps://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/
  1. Install wxPythonhttp://wiki.wxpython.org/How%20to%20install%20wxPython
  1. Install Selenium WebDriver with pip — open command promt(‘cmd.exe’) and run command: pip install selenium
  2. Install nose with pip — open command promt(‘cmd.exe’) and run command: pip install nose
  3. Install nose-htmloutput plug-in with pip — Open command promt(‘cmd.exe’) and run command: pip install nose-htmloutput
  4. Install nose-pathmunge plug-in with pip — Open command promt(‘cmd.exe’) and run command: pip install nose-pathmunge
  5. Install easyselenium
  6. Download and extract archive https://github.com/kirillstrelkov/easyselenium/archive/master.zip
  7. Go to easyselenium-master\easyselenium-master folder
  8. Open command promt(‘cmd.exe’) and go to folder where setup.py script is located(use ‘cd’ command), example:
  • cd C:\Users\IE User\Downloads\easyselenium-master\easyselenium-master\
  1. Run installation script in command promt:
  • setup.py install
  1. Install Chrome browserhttps://www.google.com/chrome/
  2. Install Git
  1. Download Jenkins
  2. Download LTS version https://jenkins.io/index.html
  3. Install ChromeDriver
  4. Download&extract latest driver https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads
  5. Move it to home folder(ex. C:\Users\IE User)
  6. Install Internet Explorer Driver Server
  7. Go to http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/
  8. Find header ‘The Internet Explorer Driver Server’
  9. Download&extract latest correct version
  10. Move it to home folder(ex. C:\Users\IE User)

Check that everything works:

  1. Close all opened command promts and open new one
  2. Execute command: easy_selenium_ui.py
  3. You should see something like that see ‘Easy selenium UI’ picture
  4. Choose ‘gc’ — google chrome as a browser
  5. Try to open browser by clicking ‘Open url
  6. You should see new Google Chrome window
  7. Try to close browser by clicking ‘Close browser
  8. Google Chrome window should be closed

Easy selenium UI

Next: Test case creation



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