Ryzen 4000 mobile CPUs Geekbench 5 statistics

Kirill Strelkov
2 min readSep 21, 2020


Note: when you see in text “average” i mean “mean”.

Step 1: Get initial from Geekbench 5 for all Ryzen 4000 processors

Script to fetch data from Geekbench can be found here — https://github.com/kirillstrelkov/playground/blob/master/geekbench/ryzen_stats.py

Excel file with all data is located here— https://github.com/kirillstrelkov/playground/blob/master/geekbench/result.xlsx

Step 2: Load data into Jupyter Notebook

Read excel and plot number of data points
Number of data points for each CPU and Platform

Step 3: Plot chart for Single-Core Score

Group by CPU, Laptop Model and Platform+ hack to fix ordering in plots
Group by CPU and Platform + Plot Single-Score Score
Mean Single-Core Score per CPU

Step 4: Plot chart for Multi-Core Score

Plot Multi-Core Score
Mean Multi-Core Score per CPU

Step 4: Plot chart for “Total” Score and order by it

Sum Multi-Core Score and Single-Core Score and get average “Total” score for Windows
Plot for lowest to highest “Total” Scores

Interesting findings:

  • HHS: ‘HS’ processors don’t have better score than ‘H’ processors
  • 4500U > 4600U: 4500U has better score than 4600U — this might be due to lower number of data points for 4600U(4500U ~1800 data points, 4600u ~250 data points)
  • 4700U ≈ 4600H ≈ 4600HS: Although 4600H and 4600HS have 12 theards vs 8 threads of 4700U, more threads don’t give big boost in Multi-Core Score
  • Windows > Linux: Windows scores are higher than Linux scores in most cases



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